Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Among Friends

I originally created this website in 2010 after many people asked me to start blogging about where I was eating, what I was eating, and my thoughts on restaurants in the Boston area.

The essense of my original blog is still here in my revamped Among Friends site, but I've added a few new categories which I find important to me now at 27 years old.

My love of food has never died down, but now that I have my very own adult kitchen (and a slow cooker) I am really excited about eating in as opposed to out. Last weekend, I made homemade BBQ pulled pork from an recipe and paired it with a homemade mac & cheese (secret ingredient - Velveeta!):

I've been decorating my new apartment for almost 9 months now and didn't realize what a giant undertaking it was going to be. Philip and I took our time in finding very particular pieces which matched our similar tastes and also create a space that is uniquely "us".

A wall frame collage is in the works, which I did not anticipate 1. taking as long as it has and 2. being incredibly difficult. Here is an example of the outline:
Even now as I look at it, I see tweaks I want to make to the shape, which I am aiming to be that of a stretched out triangle. I should have a more complete look by the end of the month!

I also have become slightly obsessed with my wardrobe. I now view everything in "pieces" which can eventually be paired with any number of other "pieces" in my closet. Most anyone who knows me will tell you that my favorite store is Forever21 and I find most of my unique pieces there.

I began to worry, about a year ago, that I was getting too old for XX1. Luckily for me they have an awesome line of clothing - Love21 - that has pieces to fit me and my style. I do not venture into the room of bright colors and mini dresses...ever. Here are some examples of some fabu finds and just an FYI, I recently purchased the shoes but in a lighter tan color and I truly love them:

I think it's important to pair your XX1 pieces with more durable pieces like a great pair of designer jeans or even a great hand bag. Mixing and matching creates great outfits that you won't see anyone else wearing, because you're a savvy enough lady to be frugal when need be and spend when need be.

Next post - how to make your house look rustic/chic/farmhouse when you live in a brick condo that was built in the 1980s...and your boyfriend is more a fan of IKEA than Shabby Chic.


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